Inspired by Dame Shirley Bassey, Carolynn May has created a professional tribute show celebrating this iconic artist. The show features all the beloved hits of Dame Shirley, glamorous costumes, signature mannerisms, and powerful vocals that bring her timeless music to life. Carolynn’s tribute performance is available as a self-contained show or with live musicians. She is a confident and engaging performer who interacts naturally with audiences, ensuring a memorable experience at every show.
Carolynn May embarked on a solo career as an entertainer and has since performed at a range of venues including clubs, hotels, theatres, and holiday centres throughout North Wales, Yorkshire, and beyond. Her work also includes corporate performances with “Supreme Dream,” a vocal harmony group delivering a choreographed and costumed Soul & Motown show, where she continues to be the lead singer. This act has taken her and the group to audiences further afield in Birmingham, Wales, Cumbria, Scotland, and even some engagements in Spain.